Previous pre-clinical and clinical studies have provided preliminary evidence of the efficacy of safinamide in reducing dyskinesia. We will be working with international clinical experts and regulatory authorities to finalize the design of a global trial to demonstrate the benefits of safinamide on dyskinesia in patients with PD.
Since 2015, thousands of Parkinson’s disease patients around the world have benefited from safinamide’s safe and efficacious profile and the subsequent improvement in their motor fluctuations. We look forward to working closely with Newron to potentially provide a new treatment option for those living with PD LID, an area of huge medical need.
Parkinson’s disease affects an estimated seven to ten million patients worldwide.
More than 40% of Parkinson patients experience PD LID, involuntary, non-rhythmic and often painful movements during waking hours that are purposeless and unpredictable. Dyskinesia can interfere with people's daily living, resulting in functional impairment and disability. People with Parkinson's disease often experience multiple fluctuating periods of OFF time and dyskinesia during any given day, which can impede their movement and daily function. Currently, only one drug has ever received marketing authorization for PD LID in the US.